Behavioral Therapy: is used to help children succeed at …

Behavioural Therapy is used to help children succeed at reaching positive goals and distinguish negative behaviors. Ideally, a trained therapist would work one-on-one for 40 or more hours per week with a child when using ABA. The child is observed, and then, goals are made. It is helpful if a parent or caregiver learns Behaviour Analysis so a therapist does not need to spend as much time with the child and so the child can participate in real social situations. For an effective program, a therapist fixes reward for the expected behaviors that she wants the child to achieve while ignoring undesirable ones.

Behaviors – Language; social, academic, leisure, and functional life skills, self-injury, and stereotyped behaviors.

Our process includes the following components which translate to a reliable and accountable approach to behavior change –

  1. Selection of interfering behavior or behavioral skill deficit.
  2. Identification of Goals and Objectives
  3. Establishment of a method of measuring target behaviors
  4. Evaluation of the current levels of performance as a baseline.
  5. Design, customize and implement interventions that teach new skills and reduce interfering behaviors.
  6. Ongoing measurement of target behaviors to determine the effectiveness of the intervention.
  7. Teach new skills, for instance, the socially significant behaviors listed above.
  8. Generalize and transfer behavior from one situation to another (e.g. from communicating with caregivers in the home to interacting with classmates at school)
  9. Modify conditions which result in interfering behaviors (e.g. changing the learning environment so as to foster attention to the instructor)
  10. Reduce inappropriate behaviors (e.g. self-injury or stereotypy)

We focus to enable the learner to acquire complex skills and behaviors by first mastering the subcomponents of the targeted skill. For example, if one wishes to teach a child to request the desired interaction, as in “I want to play”, one might first teach subcomponents of this skill, such as individual sounds comprising each word of the requestor labeling enjoyable leisure activities as “play”. By utilizing our teaching techniques the learner is gradually able to complete all subcomponent skills independently. Once these individual components are acquired, they are linked together to enable the perfection of the targeted complex and functional skills. We have experienced that this training is highly effective in teaching basic communication, play, motor and skills involved in performing activities of daily living with ease and comfort.

All these skills are taught in a more natural environment and in a more playful manner.